Manhunt gay net

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Its always been severe addictive recreational drug use that causes this. Any of you passive dupes believe about HIV, so many gays willing poision themselves with PROBABLE aids drugs. I rarely get with posioned locals, Im one of the only masculine gays because as a Child of CPS and the state, im not stupid to there little tricks. And there are a myraid other hormone disrupters. American gays and males have become so feminized due to all the phthalates and atrazine being used, they are ignorant of BPA's in cans bottles and reciepts that OOPS got there by accident. The only thing manhunt is good for is scoping out people in other countries and I also don't have to see other peoples stupid conversations. So not worth it.Īdam4Adam only shows ads they dong cover the entire screen and its free. They plea and plead for me to sign up for a deal. They think there being edgy but there really just jumping the shark. The models Manhunt has now on the page TOO BIG and, FEM CITY. And I don't need to see everyones mailbox conversations, that needs to be private and at times is really *censored* gross. I NEVER used the chat box, how *censored* AOL. Selling you ads every 5 seconds, raising prices to levels not warranted when shoving ads in my face, AND my mail box. Now it has become a flaming drag queen on crystal Meth. Manhunt used to be good before, it was gay.

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